Representing at-risk children as Guardians ad litem


In this training, volunteer attorneys will learn how to serve as court-appointed guardians ad litem (GALs) for children in high-conflict custody cases involving serious risk factors. Major topics covered in this training include the role of a GAL, custody law and practice, domestic violence and child abuse/neglect, best practices for investigation, interviewing children, ethical issues […]

Civil Protection Order Clinic Training


Obtaining a Civil Protection Order, or "stay-away" order, is often the first step for a domestic violence survivor to find immediate safety from an abuser. In this training, volunteer attorneys and paralegals will learn to: help prepare survivors for an upcoming Civil Protection Order (CPO) trial by providing brief advice on their case assist survivors […]

Appellate Advocacy Lunch & Learn: Protecting the Interests of Domestic Violence Survivors


In 2021, DCVLP launched a new Policy & Appellate Advocacy Practice to ensure legal precedent protects the interests of DV survivors. In this training, volunteer attorneys will learn about all aspects of the appellate process, including litigating appeals on behalf of DCVLP clients. (function(d, s) { var js, el = d.getElementsByTagName(s); window.BB_REG_FORM_ID = "2a35e297-3f67-46b9-874b-ad9602bf55ca"; window.BB_REG_FORM_ENVIRONMENT_ID […]

Chat with DCVLP Co-Legal Directors: DC Superior Court’s Return to In-Person Operations


Important updates have recently been made to DC Superior Court’s Domestic Relations Branch operations, and certain court proceedings will begin to transition from being held virtually to in-person again. Details surrounding these changes are outlined in the attached reimagining plan linked here. Highlighted in yellow are sections that contain information which directly affects DCVLP cases. […]

Trial Skills Lunch & Learn Series Part I: Laying the Foundation for Exhibits


Before an exhibit can be offered into evidence, you must prove to the Court that it is authentic, which is known as laying the foundation. In this training, volunteers will learn how to effectively lay the necessary foundation to prove the authenticity of exhibits. Please note, this training series is intended for newly registered and […]

Lunch & Learn: Using ERPOs to Protect Survivors from Gun Violence

Crowell & Moring LLP 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, United States

Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) were enacted in 2019 by the DC Council to create a new form of protection aimed at preventing gun violence. Like most “red flag” laws, […]