Children in Court: Key Perspectives on Child Testimony

Date: February 6th, 2018
Time: 9:30-11am
Location: DCVLP (5335 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20007)

Should children ever be allowed to testify in family court? When, why, and how? Please join the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project for an expert-led training on child testimony in custody and divorce cases. We will focus on the implications attorneys should consider when arguing for or against child testimony.

Our expert discussion panel, including Dr. Carly Blackstone (Director, DC Office of the Parenting Coordinator), Dr. Michael Gilliard (Psychologist, DC Assessment Center) and Dr. Rachel Schuchart (Clinical Director, Safe Shores), will provide time-tested insights.

The DC Volunteer Lawyers Project (DCVLP) provides all the resources volunteer attorneys need to represent domestic violence victims and at-risk children in court. For information about volunteering, please visit 

To RSVP, or with questions, please email