Fighting for Economic Justice: Helping survivors navigate the fallout from financial abuse


In addition to the emotional and physical toll domestic violence takes, many survivors also face serious financial concerns arising from the abuse. Survivors may find themselves in consumer and debt crisis impacting their resources for long term safety and stability. DCVLP is excited to partner with Tzedek DC for a Virtual Lunch & Learn presentation to help our volunteers learn to identify consumer and debt issues that commonly arise in DV cases. Tzedek DC attorneys will speak with DCVLP casehandlers about spotting the issues, and how and when to refer to Tzedek DC. Please join us for this valuable presentation, and come with questions!

Immigration Lunch & Learn: Leveraging recent guidance changes to support survivors


In early June, there have been major changes to immigration guidance that open additional opportunities for survivors of domestic violence both as it relates to U-nonimmigrant status and asylum. This lunch and learn will explore the new USCIS policy on earlier availability of EADs for u-nonimmigrant applicants and expanded asylum arguments available to survivors due to AG Garland’s decision to vacate the decisions in Matter of AB I and Matter of AB II and Matter of LEA.

Beyond the CPO Trial: Continued Relief for Victims


In addition to providing survivors with immediate safety from their abusers, Civil Protection Orders can also provide the survivor with other forms of relief. In this live discussion, panelists will […]

DC Pro Bono Week 2021: Pro Bono Goes Local


When: 22 October 2021, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Where: Virtual Cost: Free We are diving into DC Pro Bono Week 2021 with Pro Bono Goes Local on Friday, October 22, from 12-1 […]

Lunch and Learn: Domestic Violence Case Law Updates


The DC Court of Appeals has recently issued new case law that impacts Domestic Violence matters, particularly Civil Protection Order cases. Please join us for a Lunch and Learn to […]